The cause of suffering is obsessive selfishness.
The path to ending selfishness is love and compassion.
The practice of this path is mindfulness and conscious living.

According to the Buddha, the greatest methods for eliminating obsessive selfishness are love and compassion. These qualities are typified by the practice of Bodhicitta—the aspiration to benefit all sentient beings—and by actions that bring our inherent goodness, compassion, and wisdom to fruition.

Lama Kathy Wesley will introduce the concept of the Bodhisattva Path, and will teach methods of contemplation and meditation that place us directly on that path.

Lama Kathy will also offer the Bodhisattva Vow to benefit others and seek awakening on their behalf. Here is an opportunity to participate in this vow, or to observe it. (Taking Refuge is required before taking the Bodhisattva Vow. Lama Kathy will also give the Refuge Vow for those who would like to take refuge.)
Friday April 5, 6:30pm: Ride-sharing departs 37 Ohio Ave.

Friday April 5, 7–9pm: Teaching on the Bodhisattva Vow

Saturday April 6, 9:30am: Ride-sharing departs 37 Ohio Ave.

Saturday April 6, 10:00am: Teaching continues

Saturday April 6, Noon: Vegetarian lunch, with good options for vegans. Athens KTC provides the lunch as a potluck; if you’d like to contribute a dish, please email [email protected].

Saturday April 6, 1:30 pm: Continued teaching on the vow, followed by the vow ceremony which will conclude by about 4:00 pm.

Our venue is the home of Danny Yahini, just outside Athens:12180 Pete Smith Road (map). We'll have ride-sharing, too.
The price is $40, which includes Friday evening and Saturday with a vegetarian lunch provided. To attend Saturday only is $30. Space is limited, so make your reservation now.
If money’s tight, let us know. We’ve received a donation to sponsor some attendees this year, and we wouldn’t want you to miss this teaching.


About Athens KTC

We meet at 37 Ohio Avenue, in the building of the Factory Street Dance Studio — a converted church with a very nice atmosphere (map).

We meditate at 10 a.m. every Sunday. At 11 a.m. we break for visiting, tea and coffee. At 11:30, we have dharma study: a teaching by Lama Tom Broadwater, or reading and discusing a book together.

There is no charge to join us in meditation, and a free introduction to meditation is always available. We hope you'll stop in Sunday, or some Sunday soon!